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+--Forum: news
+---Thema: Pietasters - Bassist verstorben Eröffnet von ramonie

Beitrag von: Guest an 20. 11 2001, 11:36

Todd Eckhardt, Bassist und Songwrtiter der Pietasters, ist am Mittwoch 14. November an einem Herzinfarkt gestorben. Todd wurde gerade mal 30 Jahre alt.

Todd Bryan Eckhardt played bass for the Washington D.C. based band The Pietasters. Unfortunately, Todd passed away in his sleep on November 14 of a viral heart infection. Todd will be remembered for his music and the personal connections he made throughout his life. Many people here were personal friends of Todd and know just how special he was. Every single one of us in the Epitaph and Hellcat family would like to extend deep and sincere condolences for any and all that may have known Todd. He will be missed dearly... Here is the band's official statement about the situation-
< http://www.stevelaplaca.com/newpie/todd.html >

Quelle: Epitaph Newsletter
Beitrag von: Steffen an 20. 11 2001, 11:42

Hatte irgendwie vergessen, das am Wochenende online zu stellen, als die Meldung reinkam. Hab das Epitaph-Statement angefügt.
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