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+---Thema: Monday-Flash Eröffnet von Christian

Beitrag von: Christian an 23. 10 2006, 10:30

Das Tribute-Album an Sick Of It All wird nun erst im Januar 2007 über Abacus Records veröffentlicht werden. Gleichzeitig wurden nun die Bands und ihre jeweiligen Coversongs von der Hardcore-Legende bekannt gegeben. Ihr findet sie in den Kommentaren.
Ende November erscheint mit Light Grenades das neue Album von Incubus. < Hier > kann man sich nun als Vorgeschmack 30sekündige Clips zu allen Songs des Albums anhören.
Etwas früher, am 3. November kommt mit Crap Attack ein B-Seiten, Remix, DVD-Set von den großartigen We Are Scientists in die Plattenläden. Die äußerst umfangreiche Tracklist könnt ihr in den Kommentaren nachlesen.
Das neue Video zu Shame, Shame von From First To Last kann man sich < hier > anschauen.
Dustin Kensrue hat den Song I Knew You Before auf seiner MySpace-< Seite > zum Anhören bereitgestellt. Außerdem hat er ein kleines Update zu den Studioarbeiten seiner Hauptband Thrice veröffentlicht. Ihr findet es in den Kommentaren.
Und noch ganz wichtig zum Wochenstart: Kate Moss soll von Pete Doherty schwanger sein. Fortsetzung folgt...

Beitrag von: Christian an 23. 10 2006, 10:34

Sick Of It All - Tribute-Album - Bandliste:

Bane - "We Stand Alone"
Bleeding Through - "The Truth"
Bouncing Souls - "Good Lookin' Out"
Hatebreed - "Shut Me Out"
Himsa - "Maladjusted"
Ignite - "Cease Fire"
Kill Your Idols - "Friends Like You"
Madball - "Give Respect"
Most Precious Blood - "Alone"
Napalm Death - "Who Sets The Rules"
Pennywise - "My Life"
Rise Against - "Built To Last"
Sepultura - "Scratch The Surface"
Stretch Armstrong - "Busted"
Suicide Machines - "Goatless"
Unearth - "It's Clobberin Time"/"What's Going On"
Walls Of Jericho - "Us Vs. Them"

We Are Scientists - Crap Attack

1. Ram It Home
2. Surprise
3. The Great Escape (The Silence Remix)
4. Mucho Mas
5. Callbacks Under The Sea
6. Hoppipolla
7. Bang Bang Rock & Roll
8. Nobody Move Under The Sea
9. Sie hat Was vermisst
10. Be My Baby
11. This Scene Is Dead (Pete Predictable Remix)
12. History Repeats
13. This Means War
14. The Great Escape (Under The Sea)
15. Textbook (Under The Sea)

* Nobody Move, Nobody Get Hurt directed by Akiva Schaffer
* This Scene Is Dead directed by Mathieu Shrontz
* Inaction directed by Eric Gross
* Can't Lose directed by Graham Rich
* Callbacks directed by Akiva Schaffer
* Cash Cow directed by Keith Murray with Christian Owens
* It's A Hit directed by Akiva Schaffer
* The Great Escape directed by Akiva Schaffer
* Textbook directed by Randy Bell & Justin Rice
* Lousy Reputation directed by Justin Rice & Randy Bell
* Worth the Wait directed by Mathieu Shrontz
* What's the Word directed by Agnes Chu
* It's A Hit (alternate version) directed by Mathieu Shrontz
* Shepherds Bush Empire show, April 13, 2006, with full commentary

Thrice - Studio-Update

"Hey everyone, so this is the new blog for the studio. We are starting this a little late, but what else is new. For some of you who may just be joining us, we are recording a 4 disc record, with each of the disc having a theme that’s directed sonically and somewhat thematically towards the four elements; earth, air, water and fire. We are recording it ourselves at our tiny studio and so far it’s going really well.

We sat down a couple weeks ago and made a rough timeline so that we wouldn’t find ourselves putting this out next winter instead of late spring/early summer. The plan is to record at least 75% of each disc at a time, and then have time to come back and re-evaluate, start mixing, and tie up any loose ends. Right now we have done a large amount of the air disc and have just started up on earth, which we’ve given ourselves only to the end of next week since we want it to have a pretty stripped down vibe and we don’t want to have time to over- think it. We moved the recording gear into an empty living room with hardwood floors and are recording the whole earth disc in here which is sounding very cool.

So, we’ll be keeping you up to date now and each of us will be posting at least once a week, so keep checking in. Riley has been taking some pics, so he’s gonna try to put those up this weekend.

Peace out.


Beitrag von: Sven an 23. 10 2006, 10:48

Kate Mosh soll von Pete Doherty schwanger sein.

habe ich gelesen.

Beitrag von: Patrick an 23. 10 2006, 12:56

Och nee...jetzt fangen auch WAS schon nach einem Album mit der Merchandise-Ausschlachtung an...
Beitrag von: Sven an 23. 10 2006, 13:35

macht dir das die illusion kaputt, dass in den drei wuschelköpfen nonkonformität et al. schlummert?
Beitrag von: Patrick an 23. 10 2006, 14:25

Nein, wo nichts ist, wird nichts zerstört. Ich mag WAS ja nicht mal besonders, falls du da darauf hinauswolltest.
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