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+---Thema: Statements von Bands, Labels etc. Eröffnet von Steffen

Beitrag von: Steffen an 13. 09 2001, 20:26

...zu den Ereignissen von Dienstag findet ihr in Kommentarbereich dieser Meldung. Wer weitere Statements hat, kann diese gerne posten.
Wir weisen darauf hin, dass wir die Lage nicht ausschlachten wollen, sondern lediglich die Reaktionen sammeln wollen.
Beitrag von: Steffen an 13. 09 2001, 20:30

Lookout Records
Dear Friends,
We at Lookout would just like to make an official offering of love and support to any of you who have friends or family members who may have been injured or lost in the tragedies in New York, Pennsylvania and Washington. One of our staff and family members Tristin Laughter lost a close friend on the American Airlines flight from Boston to L.A., and we are feeling the pain and confusion here. We ask that all conversations relating to these events have some sensitivity to to those whose lives have been so tragically affected by this. We hope that in the days ahead you find comfort and peace as we recover from the events on Tuesday.


Chris, Cathy, Molly and the staff Lookout! Records

Fat Wreck Europe
PLEASE stop sending stupid e-mail chainletters praying for God's help!
A crusade won't change the world now, only people can.
We agree with Anti Flags statement.

Anti-Flag wishes to express that...

...our thoughts and heartfelt sympathies are with the victims of Tuesday's tragedy and their families. Anti-Flag has always and continues to condemn acts of violence as a means to an end. We will continue our non-violent crusade to break down the barriers that separate the people's of the world. We hope you will join us.

Peace-Love-Unity, Anti-Flag

Micheal Moore
Posted 09.12.2001
Death, Downtown

Dear friends,

I was supposed to fly today on the 4:30 PM American Airlines flight from LAX to JFK. But tonight I find myself stuck in L.A. with an incredible range of emotions over what has happened on the island where I work and live in New York City.

My wife and I spent the first hours of the day — after being awakened by phone calls from our parents at 6:40am PT — trying to contact our daughter at school in New York and our friend JoAnn who works near the World Trade Center.

I called JoAnn at her office. As someone picked up, the first tower imploded, and the person answering the phone screamed and ran out, leaving me no clue as to whether or not she or JoAnn would live.

It was a sick, horrible, frightening day.

On December 27, 1985 I found myself caught in the middle of a terrorist incident at the Vienna airport — which left 30 people dead, both there and at the Rome airport. (The machine-gunning of passengers in each city was timed to occur at the same moment.)

I do not feel like discussing that event tonight because it still brings up too much despair and confusion as to how and why I got to live… a fluke, a mistake, a few feet on the tarmac, and I am still here, there but for the grace of…

Safe. Secure. I’m an American, living in America. I like my illusions. I walk through a metal detector, I put my carry-ons through an x-ray machine, and I know all will be well.

Here’s a short list of my experiences lately with airport security:

* At the Newark Airport, the plane is late at boarding everyone. The counter can’t find my seat. So I am told to just “go ahead and get on” — without a ticket!

* At Detroit Metro Airport, I don’t want to put the lunch I just bought at the deli through the x-ray machine so, as I pass through the metal detector, I hand the sack to the guard through the space between the detector and the x-ray machine. I tell him “It’s just a sandwich.” He believes me and doesn’t bother to check. The sack has gone through neither security device.

* At LaGuardia in New York, I check a piece of luggage, but decide to catch a later plane. The first plane leaves without me, but with my bag — no one knowing what is in it.

* Back in Detroit, I take my time getting off the commuter plane. By the time I have come down its stairs, the bus that takes the passengers to the terminal has left — without me. I am alone on the tarmac, free to wander wherever I want. So I do. Eventually, I flag down a pick-up truck and an airplane mechanic gives me a ride the rest of the way to the terminal.

* I have brought knives, razors; and once, my traveling companion brought a hammer and chisel. No one stopped us.

Of course, I have gotten away with all of this because the airlines consider my safety SO important, they pay rent-a-cops ŭ.75 an hour to make sure the bad guys don’t get on my plane. That is what my life is worth — less than the cost of an oil change.

Too harsh, you say? Well, chew on this: a first-year pilot on American Eagle (the commuter arm of American Airlines) receives around ฟ,000 a year in annual pay.

That’s right — ฟ,000 for the person who has your life in his hands. Until recently, Continental Express paid a little over ฝ,000 a year. There was one guy, an American Eagle pilot, who had four kids so he went down to the welfare office and applied for food stamps — and he was eligible!

Someone on welfare is flying my plane? Is this for real? Yes, it is.

So spare me the talk about all the precautions the airlines and the FAA is taking. They, like all businesses, are concerned about one thing — the bottom line and the profit margin.

Four teams of 3-5 people were all able to penetrate airport security on the same morning at 3 different airports and pull off this heinous act? My only response is — that’s all?

Well, the pundits are in full diarrhea mode, gushing on about the “terrorist threat” and today’s scariest dude on planet earth — Osama bin Laden. Hey, who knows, maybe he did it. But, something just doesn’t add up.

Am I being asked to believe that this guy who sleeps in a tent in a desert has been training pilots to fly our most modern, sophisticated jumbo jets with such pinpoint accuracy that they are able to hit these three targets without anyone wondering why these planes were so far off path?

Or am I being asked to believe that there were four religious/political fanatics who JUST HAPPENED to be skilled airline pilots who JUST HAPPENED to want to kill themselves today?

Maybe you can find one jumbo jet pilot willing to die for the cause — but FOUR? Ok, maybe you can — I don’t know.

What I do know is that all day long I have heard everything about this bin Laden guy except this one fact — WE created the monster known as Osama bin Laden!

Where did he go to terrorist school? At the CIA!

Don’t take my word for it — I saw a piece on MSNBC last year that laid it all out. When the Soviet Union occupied Afghanistan, the CIA trained him and his buddies in how to commits acts of terrorism against the Soviet forces. It worked! The Soviets turned and ran. Bin Laden was grateful for what we taught him and thought it might be fun to use those same techniques against us.

We abhor terrorism — unless we’re the ones doing the terrorizing.

We paid and trained and armed a group of terrorists in Nicaragua in the 1980s who killed over 30,000 civilians. That was OUR work. You and me. Thirty thousand murdered civilians and who the hell even remembers!

We fund a lot of oppressive regimes that have killed a lot of innocent people, and we never let the human suffering THAT causes to interrupt our day one single bit.

We have orphaned so many children, tens of thousands around the world, with our taxpayer-funded terrorism (in Chile, in Vietnam, in Gaza, in Salvador) that I suppose we shouldn’t be too surprised when those orphans grow up and are a little whacked in the head from the horror we have helped cause.

Yet, our recent domestic terrorism bombings have not been conducted by a guy from the desert but rather by our own citizens: a couple of ex-military guys who hated the federal government.

From the first minutes of today’s events, I never heard that possibility suggested. Why is that?

Maybe it’s because the A-rabs are much better foils. A key ingredient in getting Americans whipped into a frenzy against a new enemy is the all-important race card. It’s much easier to get us to hate when the object of our hatred doesn’t look like us.

Congressmen and Senators spent the day calling for more money for the military; one Senator on CNN even said he didn’t want to hear any more talk about more money for education or health care — we should have only one priority: our self-defense.

Will we ever get to the point that we realize we will be more secure when the rest of the world isn’t living in poverty so we can have nice running shoes?

In just 8 months, Bush gets the whole world back to hating us again. He withdraws from the Kyoto agreement, walks us out of the Durban conference on racism, insists on restarting the arms race — you name it, and Baby Bush has blown it all.

The Senators and Congressmen tonight broke out in a spontaneous version of “God Bless America.” They’re not a bad group of singers!

Yes, God, please do bless us.

Many families have been devastated tonight. This just is not right. They did not deserve to die. If someone did this to get back at Bush, then they did so by killing thousands of people who DID NOT VOTE for him! Boston, New York, DC, and the planes’ destination of California — these were places that voted AGAINST Bush!

Why kill them? Why kill anyone? Such insanity…

Let’s mourn, let’s grieve, and when it’s appropriate let’s examine our contribution to the unsafe world we live in.

It doesn’t have to be like this…


Michael Moore
Michael Moore Home

Beitrag von: Steffen an 13. 09 2001, 20:39

Bouncing Souls
Due to yesterday's events i have removed the picture of the souls tough  Guy destroying the towers and city out of respect for friends and families of loved ones lost in the disaster. When the band gets back from Europe we will  talk about what we want to post here or if we will use the old pic with a disclaimer.

Hello all...I want to offer my personal condolances to friends and family of people in the World Trade Towers. This is a most horrid tragedy and has us all scared im sure. Everyone is ok here and if there is any tour changes ill post them when they get to me. NYC's skyline, one of the most stunning, will never be the same. If you can help in anyway do it...I will be out for the next day or so making sure everyone i know in NYC is ok, i just wanted to keep everyone updated...thanks.

"There are no words worthy to express the sorrow we feel for those who lost
loved ones in yesterday's terrible tragedy.
We have made the decision to cancel our participation in the upcoming
"Tattoo the Planet" tour of Europe that was scheduled to begin tomorrow,
Thursday, September 13.
We apologize to our international friends and fans that we planned on
jamming and partying with, but there is absolutely nothing in the world
worth compromising their safety or ours."

Farin Urlaub (Die Ärzte)
Liebe Mitmenschen!

Auf die Gefahr hin, dass alles, was ich jetzt schreibe, furchtbar banal und/oder extrem pathetisch klingt:
Was gestern in den USA passiert ist, hat uns allen sehr drastisch die Vergänglichkeit des eigenen Lebens vor Augen geführt. Bevor wir jetzt versuchen, hinter dem Terror irgendeine Art von Logik zu entdecken, die einem evtl. Hinweise geben könnte auf das, was in naher Zukunft passiert (immer eingedenk der Möglichkeit eines nuklearen Vergeltungsschlages) sollten wir uns unter anderem überlegen, ob die Terroristen nicht gerade DAMIT ihr Ziel erreichen, daß sie das normale Leben, die normale Kommunikation weltweit verändert haben... Angst lähmt. Durch die offensichtliche Zerstörung der bekanntesten Stadt der Welt fühlt sich jeder verfolgt, alle denken plötzlich über den Weltkrieg nach, die Normalität des Alltags ist unterbrochen.

Ich bin dagegen.

Trotz Trauer und Wut und natürlich auch Angst sage ich FICKT EUCH, TERRORISTEN! Das Leben (der Überlebenden) geht weiter. Die Ärzte gehen auf Lesetour. Ich weiß nicht, was die Bush- Regierung machen wird; - ich schätze mal, das weiß sie im Moment selber nicht- vielleicht kann man wenigstens den persönlichen Schluß ziehen, in Zukunft selber nicht mehr ganz so schnell und bedingungslos zu hassen oder zu verurteilen.Und das Leben mehr wertzuschätzen und für sich selbst und andere die Zukunft bewußter und schöner zu gestalten...

Liebe und Frieden, jetzt erst recht.

Farin Urlaub

Waste Of Mind
In eigener Sache Mittwoch, 12 September von Kai
Ich möchte dieser Stelle auch noch mal unser Entsetzen über die gestrigen Ereignisse zum Ausdruck bringen. Zwar habe ich mich dagegen entschieden, die Webseite einen Tag offline zu nehmen, wie ein Aufruf gebeten hat, aber dies soll nicht bedeuten das wir nicht alle schwer bedrückt und getroffen sind. Zwar ist für mich dies selbstverständlich, aber ich wollte es nur noch mal sicher stellen, nicht das ein anderer Eindruck entsteht.

Nach diesem Tag, gibt es die Welt die wir kannten nicht mehr!!! Es ist an anderen über die Ereignisse allgemein zu berichten, wir beschränken uns auf die Einflüsse auf die Musik/ Punkrock Welt, ich denke und hoffe ihr habt Verständniss dafür!!!!

(die folgenden Statements wurden von VISIONS.de zusammengestellt)

PJ Harvey bekam gestern den Mercury Prize verliehen. Sie konnte ihn allerdings lediglich telefonisch annehmen, da sie sich zu diesem Zeitpunkt in Washington D.C. aufhielt. Während des Gesprächs mit den Preisverleihern sagte sie: "I`m absolutely shocked. The whole city is in a state of shock here. It`s a very surreal day." Der Vorsitzende von `Mercury`, Simon Frith, sagte vor der Preisverleihung: "I would like to say on a day like this in my opinion music matters more than ever."

Sting, der gestern im italienischen Tuscany für ein Webcast auf die Bühne gehen sollte, teilte dem Publikum mit, dass er lediglich einen Song spielen werde: "We have three choices, you know - one is, the show must go on, the other is not to do anything at all, and the band and I came up with a compromise. We`d like to have one number on the webcast for the rest of the world to see and then shut it off as a token of respect to those who`ve lost their lives and those who`ve lost loved ones in this terrible event. Then it`s up to you, how you feel. I`d like a minute`s silence after that song. I don`t want any applause, I just want us to stand there and think about what`s happened today. I`m angry, I`m confused, I`m frightened, and I don`t really want to give this meaningless act of violence any credence. It`s totally and utterly pompous. We`ll sing a song for those people who have lost their lives. Thank you."

Mehrere Bands äußerten sich auf ihren Homepages zu den Anschlägen: Jimmy Eat World sagten auf ihrer offiziellen Homepage: "In light of the current nationwide crisis, we are postponing our show in Detroit. We apologize, but we hope you understand this is beyond our control. Our thoughts are with the people who have lost their lives in this horrible tragedy, as well as with their families and friends." Weezer äußerten sich ebenfalls über das Internet: "Todays show in San Jose has been postponed by order of the State of California and the City of San Jose, due to the nationwide state of high alert from the awful terrorist attacks earlier today. The entire weezer family sends out our thoughts and sympathies to all the victims of this mindless carnage. We all have a lot to think about today."
Auch auf der Homepage der Donots gibt es einen Eintrag: "Ich frage mich als Mensch, wie es möglich ist, dass es Menschen gibt - und mir fällt es schwer sie als Menschen zu bezeichnen, noch schwerer aber, einen realistischen Begriff zu finden - die zu solch grausamen Anschlägen, wie heute in New York geschehen, fähig sind. Mein Mitgefühl (und ich bin sicher, ich spreche im Namen aller Bandmitglieder, der ganzen Crew und hoffentlich allen, die das hier lesen ) geht an alle Opfer (auf welche Weise auch immer) dieser Katastrophe! Ich bin geschockt..."
Die Show von Radiohead gestern in Berlin fand entgegen aller Erwartungen statt. Thom Yorke sagte nach dem vierten Stück, dass er sich nicht zu den Terroraschlägen äußern wollen würde: "What should I say after today?"

Beitrag von: Steffen an 13. 09 2001, 20:42

(ebenfalls von Visions.de zusammengestellt)
Auch wenn kein Musikkonzern seinen Sitz in einem der Türme des World Trade Centers hatte, haben die US-Konzerne ihre Büros vorerst geschlossen. Vivendi Universal, Sony Music, Warner Music und EMI haben inzwischen bekannt gegeben, Geldbeträge in noch nicht genannter Höhe zu Verfügung zu stellen. Welchen Hilfseinrichtungen die Spenden im Einzelnen zugute kommen sollen, werden die Unternehmen nach internen Beratungen und Gesprächen mit offiziellen Stellen entscheiden. Bereits zuvor hatte die Bertelsmann AG zugesichert, die Hinterbliebenen der Opfer mit insgesamt zwei Millionen Dollar zu unterstützen. Der Konzern werde, so der Vorstands-Chef Thomas Middelhoff, je eine Million den entsprechenden Hilfsfonds von Polizei und Feuerwehr zukommen lassen. "Unsere Antwort auf den Terror kann nur Zivilcourage und Solidarität sein. Wir werden alles dafür tun, zu einer friedlichen Welt zurückzukehren", so Middelhoff. Auch amazon.com sammelt Spenden für das amerikanische Rote Kreuz. Statt aktueller Angebote aus dem Verkaufs-Sortiment veröffentlicht der Shop einen Spendenaufruf. Bisher habe man nach eigenen Angaben 1,9 Millionen Dollar sammeln können. Die Bands, die ihre Auftritte stattfinden lassen wollen, werden ebenfalls einen nicht näher definierten Anteil der Einnahmen spenden. Zu diesen Gruppen zählen die auch Backstreet Boys und Lynyrd Skynyrd.

Die Reaktionen von Bekannten und Musikern, die in New York ansässig sind, drücken den Schock in klaren Worten aus. Gunter Hampel (Jazzkantine) schrieb seine ersten Eindrücke auf die offizielle Seite: "Ich habe die beiden Tuerme des Wahrzeichens amerikanischer Power - World Trade Center -, in Schutt und Asche zerbersten sehen und fühlen. Die Welle von Staub und Druck und das Geschrei der Menschen in den Strassen, machten einen glauben, die Totenschreie der tausenden von Menschen zu hören und zu spüren, die in diesem Moment in den Tod gehen."
Auch Moby gab erneut preis, was in ihm vorgeht: "Everyone in New York is trying to cope, but none of us really know how. We pretend it`s not real, but it is, and you can`t avoid it for too long. None of us know who has died. We all know people who worked in those buildings or who lived nearby. So we wait. And cry. And drink. And get numb. And get angry. And get sad. The toughest city in the world, but we have no idea how to deal with this. I`m not asking for extra sympathy for people who live in or near Manhattan, but just be understanding and patient with us. Please."

Beitrag von: Steffen an 13. 09 2001, 20:50

Major Terrorist Strike on U.S. Civilians (formerly Holy Shit)
Posted on Tuesday, September 11 @ 12:19:07 EDT  
Wow. The World Trade Center has collapsed. The Pentagon has been hit. Shit is most undoubtedly fucked up. This is our Pearl Harbor. I think we all need to stop bitching about bands and stop worrying about stupid shit and focus our thoughts to the safety of our friends, family, and America for today. And if you are in New York, godspeed.

"I have to agree here. Odds are none of you were alive to see anything like this. I know I wasn't. I live/work in Toronto, Canada, and the whole city is in a panic.

To those of you who feel the American's might have brought this on themselves, well, perhaps, but there is no fucking justification for this. This is incomprhensibly horrible, and all I can say is that my heart goes out to people in New York, and the friends and family of those people. I know I'm still in shock. - Aubin
If there is one thing any of you can do, it's give blood. There are obviously huge numbers of injured people at the moment and the supplies in New York and Washington will run low. If you want to participate in some "grass roots" activism, then think about donating. Canada will be sending medical aid to New York and Washington; if you live in Canada (like Aubin and I) it's something you can do to help. Don't expect any updates here for the day - Shindo

Shindo is right, giving blood should be on everyone's list. Most college campuses usually have a blood drive around this time of the year anyways, so get involved. If you're not 17 [which I believe is the minimum age to donate in the US], encourage your parents and older friends to go to your local blood bank. I can guarantee that I will. -Scott

"One last note, if you're over 17 and don't have any STDs, here are two links for those of you in North America who might want to give blood. Canada, and USA, of course, if you're under 18, you'll probably need a guardian's permission, etc, but if you are healthy and able to help, please do. " - Aubin again.

Disaster hits the United States in a way that not only claims innocent lives, but captures the attention and concern of the entire world. Yesterday morning Scott, Aubin and I all contributed to a post about the attack, calling for blood donations. I said something along the lines of "There will be no further posts today." I believed that the shock over the events would overtake people's interest in our inconsequential website... I was wrong... We have been flooded with an abundance of emotional views and opinions in a relatively short time. In awe I saw hundreds of messages discussing the events appear each time I refreshed my screen. Many of you are shocked, saddened and angry; we have attempted to put your views up for whoever will read them.
We are a punk website however, not for money but for our collective love the music. I think I speak for many of us when I say I get my strength from music. With that in mind, we will now try to return to providing you with music news. There are much more qualified news sources then us. Hopefully they can keep you informed.

Thanks for bearing with us as we took the site down for a period of mourning. I could not bear to see our site full of news postings regarding bands, CD's for sale, and other relatively unimportant information while thousands of people were burning up only a few miles away. Most people don't enjoy watching innocent civilians needlessly die, especially if it's people you know, or are related to. While speculation continues on who is responsible for the attacks, and what should be done about it, I think it is important to remember that we should stand by our country in a time like this. Two wrongs never make a right, and I doubt how much better it really makes people feel. Right now, we need to trust the powers at be make the right decisions.

Blue Meanies
Thanks for bearing with us as we took the site down for a period of mourning. I could not bear to see our site full of news postings regarding bands, CD's for sale, and other relatively unimportant information while thousands of people were burning up only a few miles away. Most people don't enjoy watching innocent civilians needlessly die, especially if it's people you know, or are related to. While speculation continues on who is responsible for the attacks, and what should be done about it, I think it is important to remember that we should stand by our country in a time like this. Two wrongs never make a right, and I doubt how much better it really makes people feel. Right now, we need to trust the powers at be make the right decisions.

Punkbands.com's Response To The Atrocity That Hit The United States Of America Posted Tuesday, September 11, 2001 by Carsten
On behalf of all the punkbands.com staff I would like to share my thoughts on the madness that occured this morning in Pittsburgh, Washington, and New York. This mornings act of cruelty will forever change our country. So many times we are all caught up with what cd is coming out next, going to a show, or getting in fights at shows. Anyone who watched what occured today should realise none of that is as important as respecting, preserving, and protecting the lives of one another. We at punkbands.com would like to send out our thoughts and prayers to those effected by this act of cowardness, and hope that an outlet such as music can help us all get through this.

Wide eyed
Knee deep in surprise
Just below your thighs the temperature drops 5 degrees
Your stand-by flight has just arrived
Tongue-tied bleeding from your eyes
Even Christ himself would cringe
at the sight of your scars
While you're counting sheep
I'll count my lucky stars
You were the last good thing I ever saw
I lost it all
I lost it all
Burned out on 2 hours of shut-eye
Eyes glazed at the thought of the next 8 hours
Headwind cold rain to wake me
You were the last good thing I ever saw (Alkaline Trio)

"I would just like to say thank you for the emotions expressed by everyone at punkbands.com, and their realization that there is more in the world than our subculture. I urge everyone who can to please help out in some way, give blood, listen to someone who lost, or just be friendly to those who need it most. This is a time to put away one's distaste for society, and a time to help out those who need it, it is a time to be selfless and compassionate. I also hope that people do not act rashly and blame every arab-american, or muslim person they know for what has happened. Please realize the tragedy of Japanese Americans in WW 2 does not need to be repeated. As an agnostic, and occassional athiest- May god, buddha, allah, Vishnu, yourself or whatever you believe in help you, and guide you through these dark times. Thank you."

A Day Of Silence...

Beitrag von: Steffen an 13. 09 2001, 20:55

Mourning of a nation...
-Our thoughts and sympathy go out to everyone who lost someone in today's horrific tragedies.  

I'm going to donate blood today. You should step away from your computers and also do the only thing you can possible do to help out.
In completely unimportant news, I wonder what the spiderman movie is going to do. They have posters of a helicopter caught in a web betwixt the WTC towers. The movie probably has scenes of it as well.
Also, the hip-hop group The Coup had a new album cover about to come out with the group in front of the WTC blowing up. I think they have stopped press on it. You can see the picture here.

"... In the city of York there will be a great collapse. 2 twin
brothers torn
apart by chaos, while the fortress fall, the great leader will
succumb, the
third big war will begin when the big city is burning."
- Nostradamus
Did anyone else catch the date that all this happened?
#35, I'm right with you. If pregnant girlfriends aren't going to quit smoking, they should at least get drafted and fire guns with the boys cos the times are a changing.
Wow, why do I even look at the guestbook.

If you plan on writing something on the guestbook as #30 did, then you should leave your email address and be willing to defend your statement. Do you know what happened when pearl harbor was bombed? Do you know what internment camps are? Do you know what the holocaust is? Perpetuating hate is what is wrong. If we should "beat the shit out of people" because of something that someone of the same culture did, then wouldn't it be justified for me to kick the shit out of myself because timothy mcveigh bombed the shit out of the oklahoma federal building and he was fucking white, and so am I. If you want to argue this, email me at monsoonthemovie@hotmail.com. Embrace everyone and go give blood.
P.S. Dave: we are all politcal commentators now.

What a fucked up day. Planes crashing into buildings. Stupid fucking shit. Scary fucking shit.
Anyway, I saw Jay and Silent Bob strike back and even though it was kind of hackneyed, i liked the part about going to all the internet dorks' houses and beating them up. Now i'm not one to advocate violence, but when your sole way of expressing yourself is by doing so behind a mask you deserve to be called the fuck out. Oh yeah, and if you have a chance go see "Hot Wet American Summer." And if you know how to make a bomb...kill yourself.
p.s. Dave has abandoned us here at osker.com, and if he doesn't start writing some serious news i will be forced to continue to write pseudo-sentimental crap and i will also give his personal email address. That is a threat.

Beitrag von: Steffen an 13. 09 2001, 21:12

Jade Tree Records

In light of yesterday’s tragic events in New York City and Washington, DC, Jade Tree is urging everyone to put aside political and philosophical divisions and to come together in a Revolution of Caring, both within our scene and across the nation, in order to destroy apathy at every level and help our nation in a time of grief and to give aid and support to those whose lives were directly touched by yesterday’s horrific disasters. These innocent victims of terrorism and their families need your help in several ways. If you live in either of the areas directly affected, please consider volunteering on any level that you can. If you are outside of these areas, please consider helping by the simple act of giving blood. The Red Cross has stated that it will need blood donations for the next few days and is asking citizens across their country for their help. Information on donating blood can be found by calling the Red Cross at 1-800-GIVELIFE, where you can schedule an appointment, or visit www.pleasegiveblood.org, where you can email your name and phone number and a representative will call you back to set up an appointment.

Fueled By Ramen
09.11.01 5:13 PM
Today, a handful of commercial airline jets were hijacked and flown into the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon in Washington, DC. Many people lost their lives and many others were injured. Check your local media sources to find out how you can help the people in these cities. As of right now, blood supplies are low in both the New York and Washington areas. Call your local blood donation center to find out where you can go to help. We must do anything we possibly can to assist each other in this time of need.

Hopeless Records
Everyone at Hopeless Records' thoughts and prayers are with each of you who may have been effected by the horrible tragedy that occurred on Tuesday, September 11th

Drive-Thru Records
Drive-Thru Family would like to send our deepest condolences to the families of those who lost their lives in these tragedies. If you would like to help by donating badly needed blood please contact your local Red Cross 1-800-GIVE LIFE.

Beitrag von: Steffen an 14. 09 2001, 15:05

Fat Wreck Chords (US)
Fat Wreck thoughts...  

We would like to express our empathy and support to those who are suffering the loss of loved ones, to the many risking their lives to save others, and to those that are helping with the after effects. Despite political differences around the world, no political reason can validate the loss of so many innocent people.  
Beitrag von: Steffen an 14. 09 2001, 15:06

Go Kart Records


Beitrag von: Steffen an 15. 09 2001, 11:38

Obviously there will be no newsletter this week in light of the horrific
events we have all suffered this past week; rather, we would like to
take this opportunity to express our deepest, most sincere condolences
to any and all of you that may have lost somebody you love in the
national tragedy.

Nothing can truly take the sting out of this situation, but it's
important to remember that losing our heads is not the answer. If you
know of anyone who has thoughts of taking personal frustration out upon
a certain ethnicity as an act of "revenge," do all that you can to
prevent this from happening. These acts are unacceptable and are nothing
more than a Hate Crime!

The best thing for all of us to do is try and help, not only the relief
effort, but also one and other in coping with this. Below is a link to a
website that has accumulated a series of websites dedicated to the
assistance of both the New York and Washington D.C. disaster sites.
We're sure that anything you can donate is sure to help.

< http://www.helping.org/ >


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