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+---Thema: Rich verlässt Rx Bandits Eröffnet von Steffen

Beitrag von: Steffen an 28. 11 2001, 13:47

< Rx Bandits >-Posaunist Rich Balling hat die Band verlassen. Das Statement gegenüber einer ihrer < Fansites > findet ihr als Kommentar zu dieser Meldung.
Beitrag von: Steffen an 28. 11 2001, 13:48

To all that care to read….
.....Spending these last five years as a part of the RxBandits has allowed me to meet great people, live new experiences, and achieve many personal goals. I wouldn’t trade these things for the world. Prior to recording “Progress”, I began noticing many things about the industry and my own situation in the band that frustrated me. As my level of frustration elevated, so did my level of depression. Aware of these feelings that consumed me both mentally and physically, I still made an attempt to be a part of the band’s demanding tour schedule, until the touring became too much. This downward spiral hit a dead end shortly before November 22 of this year. I was to turn 24 that day and realized I had some serious decisions to make regarding the direction my life was headed.
The corruption and selfish back-stabbing in this industry was destroying my love for music—almost pushing me to the point of blaming music itself and ridding my life of it altogether. How was it that something I love so much was making me so bitter? This all had to stop. Music is what I love, and making music and performing are two very different things. Thank you all for the memories. I’m sure I will see many of you at shows where I will be to support the bands that inspire me.

Rich Balling
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