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+---Thema: Drei Releases und ein Split Eröffnet von Jonas

Beitrag von: Jonas an 05. 09 2007, 14:04

Colors lautet der Name des neuen Machwerks der Progressive-Metal-Schmiede Between The Buried And Me, der am 28.09. in die Läden kommen soll. Bis zum 12. September wird tagtäglich ein neuer Song von diesem auf der dazugehörigen < Minisite > zu hören sein.
Auch Suicide Silence haben einen neuen Tonträger in den Startlöchern. The Cleansing soll am 18. September erscheinen - gleich drei Tracks davon kann man auf < ihrer MySpace-Seite > probehören.
Mit Pauken und Trompeten (oder schweren Gitarren, das kann man ja halten, wie man möchte) melden sich The Black Dahlia Murder zurück. Für erstere hat man nach langer, erfolgloser Suche ja bekanntermaßen einen neuen Mann gefunden. Shannon Lucas, bekannt als Schießbudenfuzzi bei All That Remains spielte mit dem Rest der Band die neue Scheibe Nocturnal ein, deren VÖ-Termin schon am 21. diesen Monats ist. Bereits im Voraus gibt es nun zwei Titel davon anzuschnuppern, ihr ahnt wahrscheinlich wo... bei < MySpace > natürlich.
Nach knapp siebenjähriger Bandgeschichte hat sich das Long Islander Quintett Alove For Enemies dazu entschlossen, sich aufzulösen. Ein Statement der Band findet ihr in den Kommentaren.
Das Video zu Smoke And Mirrors von The Receiving End of Sirens kann < an dieser Stelle > gestreamt werden.

Beitrag von: Jonas an 05. 09 2007, 14:04

Statement zum Split von Alove For Enemies:
Alove For Enemies has been around since late 2000. During that time we have had our ups and downs, our highs and lows, our victories and our defeats. We have decided it is our time to step down. Alove For Enemies, means so much to each of us, we are at a point in our personal lives, where we can not continue with ALFE and have it been the same thing it is now. Rather than force it, and possibly have it crumble, we are laying it to rest. This is something we all agreed on as friends, brothers, and band mates. We are each saddened by this reality, but agree it is a necessary one. Over the last seven years, we have gone through many things, from lineup changes, to tour horror stories, and non stop adversity. Remaining a strong ministry has always been integral to what ALFE is; We can no longer uphold that to the level it needs to be.

We all have very fond memories; we've made some great friends that will stay with us always. We have been blessed with the opportunity to travel across the US, go to Europe and play to all kinds of different people. God gave us a wonderful gift with ALFE, and for that we are eternally grateful. We are also grateful to our fans, who have kept us going this whole time, their passion and intensity, their kindness, and their support has been priceless. We want to thank all the bands who have helped us out, all the people who let us crash in their houses, the countless numbers who have helped book shows, get us merch, etc ; of course we want to thank Jason and Facedown for all they have done.
We will be playing a few more shows, including Facedown Fest East
Thank you all once again, --Erich, Matt, Dan, Luke

Some of us are doing other projects moving forward, Luke and Dan are in a band called 'Buck Nasty' , Erich is doing a project called ' Behind the Glittering Mask' , our good friend and current drummer, Andy is in a band called 'Letter to Exiles'.

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