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+---Thema: Alexisonfire brechen Tour ab Eröffnet von Steffen

Beitrag von: Steffen an 07. 05 2007, 09:58

Die verbleibenen Termine der Alexisonfire-Europatour sind aus familären Gründen abgesagt worden. Die Band ist bereits auf dem Rückweg. Hier das kurze Statement der Band:
It is with a heavy heart that we are writing this to you. Because of a sudden family emergency we have had to fly back home. Unfortunatly, we are unable to continue on with the remaining leg of our European tour.

We hope that you will understand. ( Tickets as of May 5th-May 12th can be refunded at point of purchase) We will follow up with more new as we receive it.


Beitrag von: EMOlinchen an 07. 05 2007, 10:45

Fuck, fuck, fuck!!! :(
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