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+---Thema: Intensity - Gitarrist steigt aus Eröffnet von Steffen

Beitrag von: Steffen an 11. 09 2001, 09:15

<img src="http://www.badtasterecords.se/bilder/covers154/btr51.jpg" align="right">Nach über sechs Jahren in der Band steigt der Intensity-Gitarrist Jonas aus der Band aus, hier das Statement:
"The bottom line is that it's no fun anymore. It doesn't give me the same kick or the same feeling as it used to. After the summer break we had, all the desire to play live and rehearse was gone and there wasn't really any point of continuing. The spark that was supposed to set the adrenaline on fire just isn't there anymore for me. It has nothing to do with any of the other bandmembers or anything like that. We are still very very good friends and I love them all allot.

I wish them all the best in the future and would like to thank all the people involved that had helped me and all the people I've met on tour or just hanged out with. I hope to see you all again some day. It hurts me allot to think of all the good times that I've had in this band but its just not reason enough to keep me hanging on. As sad as it may seem its over for my part. Take care and stay positive - Jonas"

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