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+--Forum: news
+---Thema: Blue Meanies offenbar aufgelöst... Eröffnet von Steffen

Beitrag von: Guest an 14. 12 2001, 19:54

Hier das Statement von ihrer Website: In case you haven't noticed, we're not really much of a band anymore.  I guess never say never, but don't expect to see us live anytime soon.  This website will also be shutting down pretty soon so thanks for the memories in advance. You can still order some merchandise from our store at super-duper discount prices while the site is active.  And if you're free on New Year's eve, check out the news article about the 'Thick Records New Years Evil' party at the Fireside Bowl (in Chicago).  It may very well be the last New Year's that the Fireside ever sees.
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