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+--Forum: news
+---Thema: Offiziell: FACE TO FACE bei VAGRANT! Eröffnet von Steffen

Beitrag von: Guest an 10. 12 2001, 16:40

Gute Meldungen klingen im Original dreimal so gut wie die Übersetzung:
This is going to sound like a redundancy, but Vagrant is proud to announce the OFFICIAL signing of FACE TO FACE. Yes, that's right, all these years you thought and we acted like they were on our label. But no....truth be told, we certainly pitched in on promoting their releases on A&M and that sorry excuse for a record label Beyond, but now, finally FACE TO FACE can officially call Vagrant their home. The band that put us on the map is now on the map with us and we couldn't be happier. No more 50-year-olds in suits holding the purse strings and lying to the band through their teeth. They are on Vagrant---where they belonged all along---and we couldn't be happier.
And to celebrate the event, FACE TO FACE has completed 22 tracks for their new and finest album to date. Titled "How To Ruin Everything". 14 songs will appear on the punk rock masterpiece---(think "Don't Turn Away" meets the Clash's "London Calling"). Amazing.

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