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+---Thema: Osterflash Eröffnet von Christian

Beitrag von: Christian an 08. 04 2007, 09:01

Sechs Jahre nach ihrem umjubelten Debüt Perhaps, I Suppose haben Rufio ihre Auflösung bekannt gegeben. Es soll allerdings noch ein paar letzte Konzerte u.a. in Südamerika geben. Ob dies jedoch auch für Europa gilt ist unklar. Ein Statement findet ihr in den Kommentaren.
Auf der MySpace-< Seite > von Punk Goes Acoustic 2 kann man sich Ausschnitte aus Silverstein’s Red Light Pledge und Jack’s Mannequin’s Bruised anhören. Die Compilation wird am 08. Mai erscheinen und die komplette Tracklist findet ihr in den Kommentaren.
Die Reunion der Smashing Pumpkins ist beschlossene Sache. Allerdings wird sie ohne James Iha stattfinden, der bekannt gab bei den europäischen Festival Shows (u.a. Rock Am Ring, Rock Im Park) in den kommenden zwei Monaten nicht dabei zu sein.
Das neue Album von Monster Squad trägt den Titel Fire The Faith und erscheint in der kommenden Woche. Auf der < Webseite > ihres Labels PunkCore kann man schon in die Songs reinhören. Zudem findet ihr die Tourdates der Band in den Kommentaren.
Auf ihrer AbsolutePunk-< Seite > haben Circa Survive den neuen Song In the Morning And Amazing zum Anhören bereit gestellt. Das neue Album On Letting Go erscheint am 29. Mai bei Equal Vision.
The Promise in Compromise lautet der Titel des neuen Albums von Tokyo Rose. Erscheinen soll es Ende Juli und die Tracklist findet ihr schon jetzt in den Kommentaren.
Dwarves-Frontmann Blag Dahlia sorgt mal wieder für Furore. In einem Artikel über den Ipod lässt er sich darüber aus, wie das Apple-Produkt die Musikszene vergiftet hat. Bands wie Good Charlotte bekommen ordentlich ihr Fett weg. Zum Schluss fordert er, dass man seinen Ipod entweder mit Dwarves-Songs füllen oder zerstören soll. Den vollständigen Artikel findet ihr in den Kommentaren.

Beitrag von: Christian an 08. 04 2007, 09:06

Rufio - Statement zum Split
well... its been a while friends... and we've finally decided that its time to do an official farewell show with all the members of rufio on June 1st. We thought it would be a good way to show our appreciation to all our hometown friends and fans who have supported us from the very beginning. We figured the Glasshouse would be a very appropriate venue to host the show and we hope to see ALLLL of you there! we'll be playing a variety of songs, and even oldies we rarely play! Its going to be a sad night but it also means the birth of new projects and new music!

Punk Goes Acoustic 2 - Tracklist
Jacks Mannequin - Bruised
theAudition - Dont be so hard
+44 - Baby Come On
Daphne Loves Derby -- Sun
Say Anything - Woe
Alesana - Apology
All Time Low - Jasey Rae
Silverstein - RedLight Pledge
The All-Amercian Rejects - Night Drive
Mayday Parade - Three Cheers for Five Years
The Spill Canvas - Staplegunned
Relient K - Who I am Hates Who I've Been
Anti-Flag - Welcome to 1984
Sherwood - The Only Song
Set Your Goals - Echoes

Monster Squad - Tour 2007
5/11 Dresden, Germany Chemiefabrik
5/14 Potsdam, Germany Archiv
5/15 Berlin, Germany Tommy Haus
5/16 Linz, Austria Ann & Pat
5/17 Vienna, Austria TBA
5/18 Graz, Austria TBA
5/20 Geneva, Switzerland TBA
5/25 Munich, Germany Orange House
5/26 Karlsruhe, Germany AKK
5/27 Erfurt, Germany AJZ
5/29 Hannover, Germany Kopernikus
5/30 Koln, Germany Sonic Ballroom w/ SS Kaliert
5/31 Schwabisch Gemund Esperanza w/Hellratz
6/01 Zurich, Switzerland Dynamo
6/02 Giessen, Germany AK47

Tokyo Rose - The Promise In Compromise
01) Less Than Four
02) The Promise in Compromise
03) We Can be Best Friends Tonight, But Tomorrow I'll Be ...
04) A Pound of Siler Is Worth Its Weight in Blood
05) Right as Rain
06) 611 Life Lessons
07) Can I Change Your Mind?
08) Swimming with the Sharks
09) Call It What You Like, Just Leave Us Out Of It
10) I Won't Say
11) Seconds Before the Crash

Blag Dahlia - Destroy Your Ipod
"When I was in high school, a new product came out that everyone had to have called the Walkman. A portable cassette player, it allowed you to have music wherever you went, and effectively cut you off from the rest of the world. Now, the iPod has created a product even more disturbing that allows assholes to have noise on demand 24 hours a day.

Call me old fashioned, but I like to hear the birds in the trees, the hum of lawnmowers, the exultant sound of homies shooting each other over drug turf. In iPod world, all music is equal: it all sounds the same because it's just content without context. Where is the album cover? Where is the high fidelity? Where is the older brother of your best friend forcing you to hear something new while teaching you how to bong out properly? Now he's got his own iPod and is lost in his own inane, pre-digested musical wasteland. It's every man for himself in iPod world. Music is for special occasions. It's not wallpaper to blast every waking moment of your day. If we can all agree Ashlee Simpson should be sodomized by a tribe of Amazonian cannibals (metaphorically speaking), then why are we still exposed to her music? Blame iPod Nation.

The iPod Nation is consciously aware of how badly she sucks, of course. But, since all content is equal in iPod world and every 10 year old has Ashlee Simpson name recognition, she is vaulted to the status of multi platinum no-talent who looks like she has had Karl Malden's nose grafted onto one of the Olsen twins bodies. You don't even have to be cute anymore to be considered cute in iPod world. Consider the fat guy from Good Charlotte. I'm 40 years old and I know I look better naked than he does. Yet, his iPod music fits his iPod body like an iPod glove.

And has anyone heard a tolerable podcast yet? The good ones sound like, how can I put this? Radio. Why this is considered a new frontier and a radical reworking of the communications paradigm is a mystery to me. iPod Nation craves content, 24/7/365 content regardless of how lame that content might be.

Music should be an artistic human endeavor, not a technology capable of progressing along scientific and evolutionary lines. The iPod is not progress, it's regress. The price you pay for more access to more stuff is worse content and too much detritus to pick through.

For those of you stuffing your hard drive with cool old music, consider this. Back in the day, live performances quickly separated the untalented from those that could please an audience. By contrast, the modern music industry now sees live performance as a way to sell a record it has already made.

Without the audience to winnow out the garbage, and with multi national corporations gambling millions on meager are and major marketing, a lot of the good stuff out there never gets heard. People haven't gotten less talented over the last 50 years, it's just that so many untalented people are allowed in the game now that it only seems that way.

But, you can help to solve this terrible dilemma with a few basic steps. First, cram all the Dwarves songs you can on your iPod. Then throw the fucking thing away and buy our god-damn records!"

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